Scent’health® is a latest generation olfactory area, very simple to use, developed by scientists and approved by the medical profession.

It acts in conjunction with therapeutic treatments, helping to release their potential and optimise their effectiveness, without risk of side effects. It soothes patients and improves their well-being, helping them to cope better with their hospitalisation.


" I truly appreciated the Scent’Health therapy. It brings together, in a perfect and innovating way, olfactology (essential oils), chromatherapy and music. Every session was for me an invitation to an inner journey. The complex essential oils and the musical suite formed a narrative medium in which to settle and dwell...."

The chromotherapie principle

How colors can influence our health. The colors correspond to vibrations that have rhythms of wavelengths and different speeds. These elements play without us being aware, a psychic, physical and emotional impact on our organism...